Saturday, April 3, 2010

Time for simple limits

f(x) = number of solutions for (sin y = 1) where y is [0,x];
g(x) = number of solutions for (sin^2y = 1) where y is [0-x];

c(x) = f(x)/g(x);

find the value of c(x) lim 1/x->0;

answer is simple and to the point


  1. the ans shud be 1/2,,,,,,,
    as 1/x->0;
    domain 0 to infinite,,,,,
    comparin da graphs of both da functions,,,
    sin^2x has twice as many sol. than sinx,,,

  2. perfect answer by pankaj
    it has twice as many solutions as sin x because in the graph it intersect double the time by graph for a fixed period integral multiple of their combined period
    as sin crest trough is converted into crest after squaring it


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