Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lets Start With A Basic Interpretation

We know that while doing binary arithmetics we take 2's complement of the negative numbers in signed representation
Give your Understanding that why is it done

If you can give a better representation then you are most welcome

I will put my views in the end

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mathematics Behind Technology

Human Mind is something very interesting
Let me explain you with an example. If we want to reach from periphery to the center of the circle we have infinite ways. This is something very interesting as to understand a simple concept there are numerous ways and this is the magic of human mind.
Human Mind is all about mathematics. You may argue that there are many people who are bad at mathematics but they have a nice mind towards art. But my friend i am not referring to the maths taught to us in our curriculum where 1+2 = 3
Maths is a magic where 1+2 = 10 if we are taking a base 3
Even the invention of computer and modern technology is mathematics output
So lets discuss that what is your route to center
and lets understand and share knowledge on simple concepts of computation

This is the place where you can give the weirdest of explanation for your solution because the world is weird too.

This blog is also designed for everybody to enjoy and learn new concepts which is learnt by you people in computer engg.

So Happy Learning